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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Snuggie Success in a Recession

All across the board, it seems like clients of all shapes and sizes, of all types of industries, are feeling the effects of the recession. Sales are down, as is consumer confidence. For marketing firms, we're caught in a limbo - clients know they need to continue advertising to keep the money coming in, but it's hard to keep up when budgets are being cut. The story's the same no matter your location or your industry.

But, there is one product out there that is having a record year - the Snuggie.

You've probably seen it on TV. A hybrid of a blanket and a coat, the fleece blanket has arms. The infomercial-style commercials show how Snuggies are perfect for reading at home (arm-less blankets are simply inadequate) or even attending a chilly sporting event (why settle for a coat when you can now be wrapped in a blanket in public?). A Snuggie can be yours, along with 2 FREE reading lights, for $19.95.

The Snuggie campaign launched in October; looking back, it seems their timing couldn't have been worse. Yet the bizarre product has garned cult-like national attention - it's simply funny to think about utilizing a blanket with arms. And funny or not, sales have been through the roof.

The success of the Snuggies really roots back to successful marketing - delivering the right message at the right time.

First, it's a product that gets people talking (hey, I'm writing a whole blog entry on it!). Word of mouth has kept this product in everyone's minds.

Second, the ad campaign focused on a topic that has been extremely important to people - saving money. Keep the heat bill down by using a Snuggie.

Third, the campaign benefited from excellent timing. Many advertisers have been pulling back this past year, which opened more advertising slots and allowed Snuggie to really drive their campaign home.

And if these basic marketing ideas can sell a blanket with arms during a recession, they can sell just about anything.

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