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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Chipotle Rocks

Chipotle is by far one of our favorite picks for lunch here at the MBM office. The food is awesome and the ingredients are always fresh and delicious! If you haven't had their chips and guacamole you are missing out.

Not only do they have really good food, Chipotle gets points for its cool marketing including messages and stories on its bags, an interactive website with easy ordering tools and intriguing billboards. In addition, Chipotle has now launched a social-media and web driven campaign to raise money for a non-profit called The Lunch Box. The Lunch Box is a new initiative from the F3: Food Family Farming Foundation that will offer 100,000 schools nationwide (32 million children) recipes and other tools for implementing healthy, whole foods-based, economical meal programs. The campaign is called "No Junk" and asks Chipotle fans to email them their junk emails at

Here's how it works. For every 100,000 junk emails received, Chipotle will donate $10,000 (up to $50k maximum). The idea behind the campaign is to help people get rid of the junk in their lives and do something good to help others. Pretty cool, huh?

As a marketer, I like this campaign for many different reasons. One, it stays in line with the brand of the company in all aspects of the campaign (the message, the non-profit, etc). Second, it's a great way to raise awareness for the company by focusing on how it gives back to the community while highlighting how the food they offer fits into the "non junk" category. This will hopefully position them in the minds of some consumers who might not have realized that they use only free range meats fed vegetarian diets with no antibiotics, etc. This campaign is also a good example of how to make social media work to promote a brand.

Want to learn more about the campaign? Visit!/chipotle?ref=ts.
Or read this article

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